About Us

Simply Chaos is the University of Pennsylvania’s first and only stand-up comedy collective. We perform at events around Philadelphia, sponsored campus events, and produce our own show every semester. Auditions are traditionally held early in the Fall Semesters, and we welcome the interested to email the group at simply-chaos@googlegroups.com

Simply Chaos was founded by Avi Gilbert (’04) and Paul Braff (’04) in the spring of 2002. The idea came to Avi late one night, so he decided to write it down on a tissue box that was conveniently located near his bed. The next morning he told Paul about this revolutionary idea and the rest was history.

In the past, our members have performed with such comics as Jim Gaffigan, Bo Burnham, Jeff Dye, Damon Wayans, Ted Alexandro, Gary Gullman, Bill Burr, Jim Norton, Steve Byrne, Aziz Ansari, Daniel Tosh, Todd BarryCaroline Rhea, Danny Pudi, Katt Williams, Rich Vos, Maz Jobrani, Christian Finnegan, Hannibal Buress, and Mike Birbiglia.

Contact us for collaborations, events, and much more by emailing us at:
